Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It's that time of year once again...not just the Holidays, but LOSCON, one of my favourite ways to spend a weekend recovering from the publication of a new novel.  Nine novels in three years.  Probably not a world record, but as good excuse as any for not keeping up this blog.

LOSCON 39 will find me this Thanksgiving weekend once more happily avoiding Turkey leftovers and rubbing shoulders with fellow Science Fiction, Science Fact and Fantasy authors and enthusiasts.  This time I have been scheduled for three panels, the first at 2:30 PM on Friday on Alternate History, a subject dear to my plot lines.  Saturday at 10 AM will find me with author Maggie Secara and story teller Robert Seutter and others on the panel being run by Krypton Radio to launch their new show, "The Event Horizon".  Sunday's panel is at 11:30 AM and is on the intriguing subject of Shakespeare's influence on Fantasy and Science Fiction.

There will be an autograph session at 4 PM on Saturday, and hopefully I will be throwing a Champagne book-launch party Friday evening for my latest, Volume VI of The Glastonbury Chronicles: "The Barley and the Rose".  The Champagne is already on ice.

All in all I hope to see many of you there.  It will be a lot of fun, and for that and so many other things, I am truly thankful.