The trip from Los Angeles was long and tedious. Up since 7 AM PST Tuesday morning to get ready and taken to the airport about 20 hours later for two flights and a stopover in Dallas. Love Field... it conjured up old memories of when my stepfather used to fly in and out of that airport decades ago. Lordy, how it has grown!
And of course somewhere along the line I picked up a bloody cold! I also picked up large quantities of Emergen-C and Earl Grey tea, which will help me get through it.
Right now I am totally time-warped and my ears have not cleared from the changes on pressure, so everything is coming into my head through what feels like a tub of thick, viscous oatmeal, but I'm sure it will clear up eventually.
The room at the Hyatt Regency is enormous, the staff cordial, and the little restaurant across the street, the Clark Street Grill, was quick and the food was both good and inexpensive, which made up for the lack of food along the way. I am going to really have to reset my body clock!
Ran into my convention buddy from last year in Brighton, Elizabeth Crowens, as I was checking in, and hope to spend some time with her during the week. Meanwhile, trying to figure out how to get this huge canvas bag filled with books (which was presented to me at check-in) back to Los Angeles with all the other stuff I have with me.