Sunday, June 28, 2015

Greater Los Angeles Writers' Conference

A marvellous day at the Greater Los Angeles Writers' Conference with so many other exceptional authors. So glad to know I am not the only one who never intended to write a series but found the characters had other ideas. Equally glad to know I am not the only author whose characters have lives of their own.
I am so excited to find out what wonderful things await to be discovered at Westercon in San Diego, Califprnia next weekend!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Looking over the initial programming grid for Westercon over the July 4th weekend, it seems I have four interesting panels (two on Saturday, two on Sunday) and an autograph session on Sunday. The panels vary from Shakespeare's influence on Science Fiction and Fantasy to the role of Mythology in SF & F, with discussions on religion and building a mythology for a fictional world. These are topics which are very close to my heart, and I am really looking forward to being on these panels. Hope to see you there, in San Diego, California at the the Town and Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center.